Tuesday 24 October 2006

Tarde de otoño

Kono michi ya
yuku hito nashi ni
aki no kure

Por este camino
ni un solo hombre va;
tarde de otoño

Matsuo Bashoo

El otoño ha llegado.

Monday 23 October 2006

The wrong side of the sea

Imaginad: Londres, 2027. Michael Caine abre una lata de aceitunas y exclama "¡Italia!". Un gesto, una palabra, un sentimiento (la distancia), casi 50 años despues que contempláramos la apertura de esa misma lata por primera vez.

"It was cold in the street and I crossed to the lighted blaze of the shops in Rue Fuad. In a grocer's window I saw a small tin of olives with the name Orvieto on it, and overcome by a sudden longing to be on the right side of the Mediterranean, entered the shop: bought it: had it opened there and then: and sitting down at a marble table in that gruesome light I began to eat Italy, its dark scorched flesh, hand-modelled spring soil, dedicated vines. I felt that Melissa would never understand this. I should have to pretend I had lost the money"

Lawrence Durrell - "The Alexandria Quartet"

Y es que no importa la tierra que hayamos dejado atrás, sino la distancia infinita que nos separa de la orilla correcta.